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Visible confirms some customer accounts were breached

Some Visible customers this week reported in posts on social media that their accounts appeared to have been hacked, with account information changed and in some cases new phones ordered using their payment information. On Wednesday, the Verizon-owned prepaid carrier confirmed that some customers’ accounts were breached.

«We’re aware of an issue in which some member accounts were accessed and/or charged without their authorization,» the company said in a tweet. Visible didn’t say how many customers were impacted.

The carrier added that its investigation indicated that «threat actors were able to access username/passwords from outside sources, and exploit that information to login to Visible accounts.» The company urged people to update their log-in information if it’s used across multiple services.

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Visible is a prepaid carrier that offers unlimited phone service, with individual plans for $40 a month and a Party Pay option that drops the price even lower for groups. The company uses Verizon’s network and says it offers the same coverage as the larger carrier, including 5G. One thing that’s different about Visible: It has no storefront and handles all business, from billing to tech support, on its website and the Visible app.

«Protecting customer information — including securing customer accounts — is critically important to our company and our customers,» the company shared on its Twitter account. Visible urged customers that believe their account has been compromised to contact via chat at

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