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Heat dome brings triple-digit temperatures: Why overheating kills and how to recognize the signs

The US experienced its hottest June on record this year, and the news isn’t getting any better. This weekend, triple-digit temperatures are expected to affect up to a dozen states in the Western region, including Montana and Idaho — where the average high temperatures in July are between 75 and 88 degrees in Montana and between 79 and 95 degrees in Idaho. Montana is under an excessive heat warning from Saturday to Thursday. Overheating wreaks havoc on human bodies, with fainting, dangerous dehydration and even sudden deaths triggered by extreme temperatures.

Record heat waves are on the rise, partly due to human-induced climate change triggered by the burning of fossil fuels. The death toll rates increased in the US and Canada last month, with 107 deaths reported after Portland reached a record-breaking temperature of 117 degrees.

The best way to protect yourself and high-risk loved ones from heat stroke, and worse, is to know the signs of dangerous overheating, and how to help prevent them. Here are practical tips from experts I spoke with and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Read more: Heat wave in US and Canada summed up in one staggering satellite image

How are high temperatures dangerous to people?

When a person overheats, their body temperature could rise to 103 degrees or higher because their internal temperature control system is overloaded and can’t cool down fast enough. The typical healthy temperature range for babies and adults is under 100 degrees Fahrenheit. A temperature over 100 degrees can cause hospitalization in babies and adults. Sweating isn’t always enough to rapidly cool the body and keep it from cooking. Extremely high body temperature can lead to heat stroke and damage the brain — it can also cause death.

«The body has an intrinsic ability to adapt to high temperatures, but we worry when high-risk people are in the heat for an extended period of time because their body may not compensate as well,» Dr. Matthew Levy, associate professor of emergency medicine at Johns Hopkins, told me.

People may be at higher risk for overheating as a result of the pandemic lockdown, which may have kept people indoors in cooler conditions. With restrictions easing across the world, increased exposure to excessive outdoor heat could take a rapid toll.

How does dehydration play a role?

Dehydration throughout the body isn’t as simple as thirst. Up to 60% of the human body is made up of water, which is required to pump nutrients around the body. Without enough, systems can fail, putting you at risk for a medical emergency.

It isn’t always easy or possible for people to adequately judge how much water and electrolytes they actually need in extreme heat, Levy said.

Mild dehydration can often be treated by getting out of the sun, drinking water and taking in electrolytes. More severe dehydration may require medical intervention, like a hydration drip that contains electrolytes.

There have been heat waves before. Why are experts worried now?

Any time heat waves occur, they can be worrisome — especially when there’s a sudden rise in temperature or shift in weather patterns in areas of the country where people aren’t accustomed to extreme heat.

Experts are concerned that in those areas that have been most impacted — such as Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia — many of those houses aren’t equipped with air conditioning, director of national climate assessment at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration David Easterling said in an email.

It isn’t just the high temperatures during the day causing bodies to dangerously overheat. If nighttime temperatures remain high outdoors and inside, human bodies may not be able to adequately cool off, which can cause heavy sweating, nausea, headaches and even death (see below). This June broke more nighttime temperature records than any previous June.

While heat waves have happened before, they also may be more severe due to climate changes caused by humans, Easterling said. When people burn fossil fuels, it increases greenhouse gas emissions, which have been linked to the increasing frequency of extreme heat. The heat waves are becoming more severe and more likely to happen due to the climate crisis.

Who’s at the highest risk of heat-related death and why?

While some people can handle excessive heat better than others, some people are inherently vulnerable to extreme heat, according to the CDC.

How do you recognize signs of heat illnesses?

There are five heat-related illnesses to watch out for when someone’s exposed to excessive heat, according to the CDC. Look for these signs.

What should you do to help if you suspect someone is in danger?

Here are some steps to follow if you suspect someone is in serious danger from the heat, Levy said.

How can you help prevent heat exhaustion?

Here are some tips from the CDC and Levy for preventing heat-related illnesses.

For more information about the heat waves, here’s what’s happening in the US and Canada. Also, surface temperatures in Siberia have heated up to 118 degrees and the severe Western drought and heat wave, explained.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.