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Best Gaming Laptops From CES 2023 So Far

CES 2023 in Las Vegas is off to a great start. It’s especially spectacular if you’re into gaming laptops and other PC gaming gear. There are new high-performance processors from Intel and powerful mobile discrete graphics from Nvidia, and no doubt more of both are being announced by AMD at its keynote. Add to those components things like OLED and Mini LED displays with screaming-fast refresh rates and it’s already shaping up to be an exciting year for laptop gamers.

To give you a shortcut to all the best gaming laptops coming out of CES 2023, we’ve rounded them up for you below. Interested in the other cool gaming gear being announced at the annual tech conference? You’ll find those just past the laptops so scroll on down.

Gaming laptops from CES 2023

Gaming gear from CES 2023

Of course, gaming laptops aren’t the only PC gaming devices being announced at CES. Here’s a quick rundown of the best peripherals and accessories we’ve seen from the show so far.